Hei! A longwalk in the park(when thethe heatdecreasesslightly) Eata lot of fruit. WhatI boughton my tripin Provence. Finally I couldliquidatemy storeclothes so nowthere are onlymy necklaces,do you rememberthem? I want to seethis movie.
Voilà, c'est tout! These are mylatest photos ofmytrip, thank you so much for your comments. Iconfess, I'm a littleenvious becausemany of youfeelthe falland I can onlyfeel theunpleasantheat..grgrgr I want fall comes!!
I read the comments you leave for me ;) I think tomorrowI'll havethe film, is exciting! More things I pick up from the garden, I can'tstop eatingtomatoes!I like thesmell thatappears when picking. I boughtalum stone fordeodorantuse, someone uses it? I want rid of chemicals.
We wentto the forest topick berries.I madejamwith them. To a few daysfor ourtrip to France, I can't wait. Yesterday afternoon we wentto the park with the analogcamera, I hopewe havesoon the negative, I couldn't rememberhow excitingit wasto wait and seethe results.