29 may 2014

My first knitted socks.
And another ones..probably a new addiction...
Soft fabric and wool for future projects,  one week more and I'll have a 2 pause weeks vacations, I want to knit a lot,  I feel so inspired!
In love with this pullover, I hope they public the pattern :)) because it's in my list!!
Waiting for my craspedia begins to grow. I would love to have these two plants, oxalis triangular 
and pilea baby, anyone know where I can get them? or someone offers to send me a stalk, I promise to reward :))
Waiting for the weekend for more flea markets!!

Have a happy weekend my sweet readers!

23 may 2014

No golden light and no summer temperatures today but well this week has been so good...  On Saturday we went to a second hand shop and we bought two BICYCLES, are so old and vintage and I really like the design, immediately I bought a basket .. :)) So this week,  no train or transport public, only with my new-old bike.
I feel very lucky. It is a special feeling, a kind of freedom. I find it very rare, in my region is unthinkable (are cities with hills and slopes) and cars and walkers are scared to see a bike.
I picked up the socks,  I'm going to dedicate myself to them today while a cake is baking. I've ordered a socks's book and I have a good sock's stash, but meanwhile I manage to finish the more easier...(no promises)
Happy weekend everyone!!

 I love that skirt, you're so talented V!

19 may 2014

Sunny silk

Today I want to talk about Marta, she makes handcrafted natural cosmetics. I want to support people who do wonderful things with your hands on a small scale, and Marta is one of them.
here a little about her and her work ...

" The story of my natural handmade soaps began with my mum.
More than a year ago she started a research on natural soaps and ordered a few samples via internet. Already after the first “shower-tests” I was convinced by the quality of handmade soaps. They are nothing to compare with the shower gels and soaps of the supermarket. I started then a long research on the soap making process and I decided on the cold process method. For my very first soap I needed almost 3-4 weeks preparation time reading articles, books and blogs about the production procedure. The result was a nice lavender-olive oil soap! Since then there was no way back.  My favorite ingredients for the natural soaps are: goat’s milk: my personal top 1, olive oil, cocoa butter, laurel oil and essential oils.

The natural cosmetics section of my store is quite new: I added it in the beginning of February 2014.

I just added new product lines in addition to the soaps - which remain my main focus - bath truffles! They look like real chocolate truffles but they are meant to be added to a warm bath. Throught the temperature of an average warm bath the truffles will melt and fill the water with caring oils: almond, macadamia nut oil and lots of cocoa butter.
The truffels are coming with the following scents: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, orange, lavender."

Marta offers who orders more than three items from her shop or in a value over 10 EUR  will get a lip stick as a present -  just type in a code during check-out like "Anna's blog 2014"

They could then choose between the following three lip stick options: unscented organic, organic lavender or organic sweet orange.

Marta's shop.
take a look at his collection of silk paintings!

14 may 2014

Many beautiful things around here. I'm back from my trip to Barcelona, was nice to come home after so many months.
Buds of roses to flavor my tea.
This year my  wanted to give me something really special, something handmade and he was right! he chose this gorgeous ring that Joanne has done with his own hands for me!! l.o.v.e it!
thanks for your orders in my shop!!

I want to talk in my next post about this soap :))

5 may 2014

Thank you so much for all your birthday wishes on my last post and instagram!!made me very happy!
A birthday is a cake, flowers and wool :)) I don't know what i'm going to do with the pink one is Anzula yarn and the plum is Malabrigo.

* yellow pullover I found it in the flea Market, only 2 euros!

1 may 2014

On Saturday I'll turn 30!! it will be a different birthday, away from home, but next week we flew to Barcelona to celebrate it ! hurray!

I usually give myself a gift, but this year I decided not to buy and knit something that I really wanted. After many hours of work this morning I finished my Grace cardigan.
But I can't wear it until Saturday :))

Now I feel like a small project like socks.

...and Welcome May!!