26 mar 2012


Soon I will go to Berlin!I am very curious to visit the city for the first time.
Do any of you can tell me any recommendations?things to do, places to eat, flea markets..


3 comentarios:

  1. Oh,how great!! Have a wonderful trip! :)
    There is a chance that we're going to visit Berlin too later this spring:)

  2. That's great! Make a lot of pictures for us! I have only been to the airport of Berlin so far :/ but I would also love to visit the city!

  3. A mi em va agradar molt un bar nocturn/restaurant que es diu Intersoup fan mojitos de maduixa i sopes molt bones! Sí, una combinació rara! I el consell més gran que et puc donar és lloga una bici!
    Bon viatge!
