9 oct 2012

Preparing for the far winter

One day in my life.
I'm ready for sew my very first coat....luckily this is Spain and there is still enough to take coat *smile*
What about you, it's cold where you live?

9 comentarios:

  1. Ohh et faràs un abric? De quin patró?
    Per cert, TOTS els tès que em vas regalar són deliciosos! Si un m'agrada, l'altre encara més! Mil gràcies!!

    1. vaig veure una foto d'un abric que em va agradar i he fet un patró partint d'un vesit que tenia ..pero no posaré forro, pots imaginar que es molt free..a veure que surt!
      De res noia d'això es tracta que t'agradin tots!!

  2. i am sure your coat will be very pretty : )

    last night it came a little bit of snow on the mountain that i can see from a far here... very nice sun today but cold wind.

    wishing you a wonderful evening and thank you so much for the lovely words about my dress,


    1. Hi Vibeke!! I hope too...
      Oh I sure that is a beautiful landscape I would like to see it!

  3. Aquí todavía esta bien caliente, estamos locos de que haga algo de frío.
    me imagino que tu abrigo quedará hermoso.
    Lindo día!

    1. Pues estamos igual! yo venga a coser ya tejer cosas para el frío pero nada, parece que vamos al reves!

  4. it's definitely cold enough for a light coat here.
    good luck with the jacket!
    the fabric is beautiful.
    xo, j
