20 sept 2012


hello there, 
I can finally say that I can feel the weather is changin, but slowly.
Now, in the morning I'm going to English classes and in evenings I knitting, sew drink a lot of tea, I knitting and sew, again. It's a slowly way to spend life, but the moment it's like this.
How about yours? Do you feel that everything is slow or too fast?
My sweet friend V is organized a swap on her blog, please visit him.

7 comentarios:

  1. So much knitting :)
    For me, the days are always going too fast! So much i want to do but so little time...

    1. yes, we always have things we want to do and we have no time to do

  2. Sounds lovely Anna! I often try to slow down and simplify my life to be able to enjoy the moment. Autumn is a wonderful time of the year!

    1. age advice, but sometimes we forget to have it in mind.
      I'm with you autumn is the best time of the year!

  3. slow is good
    as is lots of knitting
    that's what i've been doing. too
    xo, j

  4. Can't wait to see what's going to be your new knitting project!

    (I have a blog award for you! Please check my latest post.)
