20 nov 2012


I love autumn, because I wear tights (yes, me too I usually wear it) it's time to rescue the shoes that I love, I lit up with candles (and  I knit and drink more tea, of course).
These are my collection of shoes, on the middle are my brand new pair.
I really love these vintage gentleman trousers, anyone know where to get some? 
Happy evening 

8 comentarios:

  1. I love your collection of shoes!

  2. Lovely tighs you have and the shoes! I love leather shoes like that. Usually autumn is so wet here that it is impossible to wear leather shoes, or maybe in the city, but here at the countryside its not possible.

    1. Oh thank you! maybe you can use in spring?I really love and I feel very confortable!

  3. ohh per favor! Quina col·lecció de sabates, són precioses! La veritat és que em costen una mica de trobar així de senzilles i maques! Bon dimecres!

    1. Gracies Neus, a mi també m'ha costat trobar-les, no es tan fácil, i mira que són còmodes.

  4. Oh beautiful, this is a great collection! I have a pair of brown leather shoes that looks like yours. I like them because they are comfortable and go with lots of kinds of outfits.

  5. I absolutely love your shoes :-)
