25 abr 2012

new experience

I like lilium flowers.
Today I started a new job (but only for two months)
I tasted this cake in Berlin, I tried to do something similar..someone know his name and the recipe? 
I wish you a lovely day.
Why this spring has started so cloudy? 

19 abr 2012

a bit of all

Disorderly photos, it's been like this the week.
I want the spring arrives so I'll be a little more tidy.

16 abr 2012

last weekend

These are some pictures of the weekend.
A vintage hairstyle (lasted short)
A lovely parcel from Andrea, visit her shop she has a lovely vintage shop!
A yummy food!
I hope you have had a nice weekend!

13 abr 2012

12 abr 2012

2 abr 2012


A mini stamp alphabet I bought here some time ago and a spirng flower at the garden!I love it!!
Have a nice monday!!