14 mar 2013

I've been absent this week, but it is for good reason, I have been preparing (what it in the previous post I commented) my new own online store!!:D 
It's not ready yet but I'm working so hard and it will be up and running very soon!!
I love to craft so I've been thinking for a while that could be nice offer my creations to the others.
I called Speckles, an unique handcrafted things. A small (ever evolving) collection of items, created with my own hands.
I promise to provide you more information very soon!

7 comentarios:

  1. Oh, very exciting! I can´t wait to see the shop!

  2. Ohh que bé!! Que tinguis molts èxits!!
    Bon cap de setmana

  3. how exciting dear anna!!!: )

    big hugs,

  4. Exciting, wonderful news, Anna! Looking forward to having a peek to the shop, I'm sure it'll be lovely (and I'll probably want to buy everything...) :)

  5. Enhorabuena!! Estoy deseando verla, qué ilusión!!

    Me encantan tus fotografías, cómo conviertes en algo único cosas tan sencillas del día a día.

    Te he dejado un premio en mi blog, espero que te guste!! ;)

    Un saludico!!

  6. thank you anna for encouraging message.
    sorry that give away was already finished
    last month. maybe next time.
    thank you.
