2 jul 2014

I have disappeared here for a while,  I've spent a few days in Spain but I'm here again, come  back to the autumn Munich and come back to the cardigans and socks..

A day before leaving , came home a lovely surprise package from my dear Vibeke, she has knitted a lovely alpaca shawl for me, oh my god, I feel so lucky, it's perfect! including another small details, and a delicious tea.

I found another unexpected package in the mailbox when I arrived. Ann-Kathrin sent me all those little balls of wool for my blanket's project

and thoroughly explained what she has done with each wool ball. Thanks for contributing to my little project. it's magic!

That's my new oxalis triangularis, after Claudia sent me a small stems, I found it at flower shop, these strange things happen!

I've just finished a pair of socks and almost done my violet shawl.

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