23 may 2014

No golden light and no summer temperatures today but well this week has been so good...  On Saturday we went to a second hand shop and we bought two BICYCLES, are so old and vintage and I really like the design, immediately I bought a basket .. :)) So this week,  no train or transport public, only with my new-old bike.
I feel very lucky. It is a special feeling, a kind of freedom. I find it very rare, in my region is unthinkable (are cities with hills and slopes) and cars and walkers are scared to see a bike.
I picked up the socks,  I'm going to dedicate myself to them today while a cake is baking. I've ordered a socks's book and I have a good sock's stash, but meanwhile I manage to finish the more easier...(no promises)
Happy weekend everyone!!

 I love that skirt, you're so talented V!

1 comentario:

  1. Here I move on bike. What as you say gives some kind of freedom. It is cold so cold mornings, that it seems march. Your socks look great.
