1 may 2014

On Saturday I'll turn 30!! it will be a different birthday, away from home, but next week we flew to Barcelona to celebrate it ! hurray!

I usually give myself a gift, but this year I decided not to buy and knit something that I really wanted. After many hours of work this morning I finished my Grace cardigan.
But I can't wear it until Saturday :))

Now I feel like a small project like socks.

...and Welcome May!!

6 comentarios:

  1. What a wonderful gift to give yourself. It's gorgeous!

  2. What a lovely gift you your Birthday:) really love this colour!
    feliz cumpleanios and have a great time at home! :)

  3. Happy birthday tomorrow! May it be full of wonderful things. Enjoy wearing your beautiful new cardigan:)

  4. Oh per molts anys per aquest cap de setmana! Ens portem un anyet i poc! Que els disfrutis molt
    És una passada tot el que teixeixes!

  5. Happy, happy birthday my dear friend!!!! I hope your day is filled with joy and lovely things. Hugs!

  6. HAPPY HAPPY birthday to you my dear friend!! I have eaten cake in your honor today : )))

